Our final launch for the season in Amesbury is scheduled for Sunday, 03 November. We'll have our joint night launch with NORG after the daytime launch.

To make it absolutely clear, CMASS does not allow "sparky" motors at any of our launches.

CMASS Flag 3

                                  Check your email for information about our upcoming video meetings

Sign up for something on the Launch Duty List

Check GO/NO GO status call or text our Launch Hotline: 857-24-CMASS (857-242-6277)
after 7 AM the day of scheduled launch

Watch for upcoming opportunities to volunteer and help keep our
club launches going

The day started out a bit sideways. There was a cricket team using part of the field when our group started to arrive. Unlike a similar incident a couple or launches ago, this group ignored the agreement reached with the Park/Rec department and the revised schedule of field use and refused to vacate the field even though they had been allowed to play until 10:30. Per the directive of the Park/Rec committee, we contacted the Acton PD to help enforce the agreed upon rules.With the field cleared, we started launching a little before 11 o'clock.


 Even with the delay, we put up 269 flights, recovering most all of them. Among some of the interesting flights was Scott's Duck and Rich's water rocket. Rob and Deb fell a little short of their usual 10% of our total with only 22 launches. Bruce had a Strong showing with three of his dragon rockets and a proper Estes Dude rocket; he also kept his reputation going with a Bomarc flight and taking up a challenge from Rob for an unusual saucer design. 

Along with lots of our usual participants, we had the Hanscom Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol making many individual flights as well as a couple of farewell flights for one of their members, Hoester.
Thanks to all of you who volunteered at Safety Check, Launch Control and Food Service; we couldn't run the launch without you. Kudos also to those who helped with setup and teardown; there's no real heavy lifting, just a lot of it. Many hands make for light work so come early or stay late to help with the mechanics of putting on a launch.