Our next scheduled launch will be on 11 May in Acton.

CMASS Flag 3

                                  Check your email for information about our upcoming video meetings

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Check GO/NO GO status call or text our Launch Hotline: 857-24-CMASS (857-242-6277)
after 7 AM the day of scheduled launch

Watch for upcoming opportunities to volunteer and help keep our
club launches going

            The English Language Center (ECL) is an English Language school for international high school students. They are based in Boston but have programs in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. Their summer program in Boston is at MIT and serves about 125 students with English classes in the mornings and more typical camp activities in the afternoon. Since it is at MIT, there is a Science camp that includes an introduction to model rocketry - and that is where CMASS comes in. The director of the camp, Donald James, contacted Bill back in the spring for help with a launch.

            The launch was Friday, July 31 and the Acton field. Frank DiAngelo, Alex and myself were the CMASS representatives. Since there were only going to be 12 kids or so, the CMASS equipment would have been overkill and we went with the Page School launch equipment. The kids were from Japan, China, Venezuela, Russia, Kazakhstan, Brazil, Italy, Mexico, Uzbekistan, and Spain with beginning to pretty good English. They had built either the Watchamacallit or Do-Dad (both FlisKits) the day before with help from Frank and launched each rocket twice on various motors. Frank, Alex and I also brought a couple of our own to show them some different rockets. The kids were great and had a great time, and I'm sure ECL will be contacting us again next year. There are a few pictures in the Gallery.



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