The Bill Spadafora Memorial Fund, established by members of CMASS shortly after Bill's untimely death in 2015, honors his 53-year dedication to the sport of rocketry, NAR and his generous contribution of time and energy to all who expressed interest in the sport. Anyone who attended a launch where Bill was present knows he was unfailingly generous, good-natured and willing to share his knowledge and time with anyone who asked.
Bill joined a local NAR section in Medford at the young age of 11 and never lost interest. He joined CMASS soon after its initiation in 1985 and served as CMASS president for more than 20 years until his passing. Bill was well known at the national level as well. He was a key official at National Association of Rocketry, and as Secretary of the NAR Standards and Testing Committee was responsible for certifying commercial sport rocket motors; ran NAR Technical Services (NARTS) for a dozen years, and routinely worked at NARAM, and both the SLI and TARC finals each year.
The Bill Spadafora Memorial Fund seeks to promote rocketry education by funding local TARC and SLI teams as well as other local student teams participating in sport rocketry activities sanctioned by recognized organizations.
If you would like to apply for a grant please fill out the Grant Application and email it to SpadaforaFund (at) Deadline for applications is December 15th. If you have any questions, please address them to Claude Maina or Doug Steinfeld at the following email address: SpadaforaFund(at)
2018 Awardees
- Lisa Fort, Queensbury High School, Queensbury NY
- Elizabeth Hansel, Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, Cambridge MA
- Ryan Quadros, Masconomet Regional HS, Boxford MA
- Aaryan Nagarkatti, Westboro HS, Westboro MA